zurich tips – fashion stores zurich
inspiring fashion and accessories in fashion stores zurich
are you into fashion and looking for fashion stores zurich, and nice accessories for your perfect style? may it be hot swimwear, classy foulards or chic purses etc. - we present you here an exquisite selection of recommendable fashion stores zurich, designers and startups, who introduce themselves and their specialties briefly in own words.

Silk tales

Wenn sich Stadtfuchs und Hase grüssen und die grüne Fee eine Ballade singt, ist man im Atelier Fiona-K. Der Züricher fashion store hinter dem Helvetiaplatz bietet Mode und Accessoires, die mit viel Sorgfalt illustriert und auf hochwertige Stoffe gedruckt werden. Fiona lässt sich vom Charme vergangener Epochen und der Poesie des Alltags inspirieren. Weil sie jedes Detail von Hand malt, haben ihre Kreationen einen unverkennbaren Stil und laden zum Entdecken ein. Alle Seidentücher erscheinen als limitierte Kunstauflagen und werden – wie sämtliche Kleidungsstücke – in der Schweiz gefertigt. Aus Testdrucken näht Fiona seidene Grusskarten oder Scrunchies.
Vegan leather alternative
SOHOTREE is a Swiss company that combines sustainability with quality, style and coolness. With SOHOTREE we replace animal leather with our vegan ApplePeel, a sustainable alternative made from apples.
Leather is considered a qualitative material, but it is disastrous from an ecological and ethical point of view. Furs and skins are among the few markets worldwide that are regulated solely by supply and demand. For SOHOTREE this is not an option. For this reason, we use the apple leftovers of the food industry and transform them into noble products, which have an impeccable eco-balance and look good at the same time! This way we guarantee that our products are not only fashionable, but do not harm animals, people, or the environment.
"For the sunny days in life!"
ANDREW & COLE is a modern, sustainable swimwear brand from Switzerland.
Our main goal is to create a new comfortable world of swim shorts without mesh. By using ocean plastic and PET materials to manufacture our premium swim shorts, by showing respect and love for our beautiful earth.
Owning an ANDREW & COLE product means joining a net-free world and a comfortable lifestyle that also cares about our future.
Become part of the Club!
Meine Rossis.
Die ROSSIS Produkte sind bekannt dafür, Funktionalität und Design mit Nachhaltigkeit zu verbinden. Wir legen den Fokus auf die Entwicklung von Taschen und Accessoires mit einem möglichst kleinen ökologischen Fussabdruck. Alle unsere Produkte stellen wir aus ressourcenschonenden Materialien her: ob Shopper, Mini Bags, Rucksäcke oder Portemonnaies. Lass dich von unserer farbenfrohen Kollektion inspirieren.
Luxury. Affordable. Türler.
Your point of contact in Zurich for jewelry & watches.
Our services include: Manufacture, trading/sales, repairs, appraisals.
Since its foundation in 1883, the Türler family has been in the business of jewelry and watches. Today you will find us in the new fine jewelry salon in the heart of Zurich. Heute findest Du uns im neuen feinen Schmucksalon im Herzen von Zürich.
In our in-house atelier, exquisite gemstones are forged into exclusive and unique pieces of jewelry. Do you have an idea in mind? We can make the ring or necklace of your dreams come true. We are already looking forward to your visit! Your Türler Team
Die feinsten handgewebten Hüte der Welt.
Ecuadorian Hat fertigt keine Panama-Hüte. Sondern den Panama-Hut.
Dieser Klassiker, in über Jahrhunderte und Generationen perfektionierter Handarbeit gefertigt, ist nicht einfach irgendeine Kopfbedeckung. Sondern ein Stück UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Zeitlos und ansehnlich, egal ob auf den Köpfen von Clark Gable, Sean Connery oder Robert Redford – oder den Männern und Frauen von heute und morgen.
Dafür verantwortlich, dass es den Panama-Hut nun in Zürich in eines Weltkulturerbes würdiger Qualität gibt, ist Wendy Rodriguez. Sie möchte das beste aus ihrer alten Heimat mit ihrer neuen Heimat teilen.
Uncomplicated and sustainable swimwear
Nathalie Schweizer swimwear can do a lot with a little. Sophisticated cuts give the models an effortlessly comfortable fit - in surprising color combinations that inspire.
Since 2011, I've been creating uncomplicated swimwear that offers good support through clever cutting techniques and minimally incorporated support elements. I work with effective color combinations and simple style elements. My swimwear is naturally beautiful, understatedly elegant and comfortable. It is important to me that women feel comfortable in my swimwear. A big concern for me is the sustainability of production and the high quality of fabrics.
Our. Vision is to bring human change and applaud gender neutrality through fashion and fit. Supporting every day wear, independent of gender, age or background.
By implementing current trends, combining them with classic cuts and pieces we create unique and individual pieces that build the new Unisex. Newnisex is at the core of our philosophy and touches every aspect of our products. We support our wearers to bring their personality at front and feel the kind freedom of wearing Our. Timeless pieces which you can wear everyday.
A collection for every gender. A collection for humans.
Hand made. local. upcycled.
A locally produced fashion accessory that produces no waste!
Attached uses old balcony awnings and transforms them into new fashion accessories such as various bags. In addition, the young Zurich-based company wants to help people with health impairments to find new perspectives, which is why the entire production is guaranteed in various Swiss foundations.
The result is a 100% upcycled product that travels only a few kilometres in production and is thus made entirely from local resources.
Get Attached!
For the adventures of everyday life.
LOST&FOUND accessories creates leather accessories for life’s daily adventures. Their timeless essentials are durable and practical companions for everyone who loves classic styles, minimalistic design and smart functionalities. All accessories are available in a palette of classic colors complemented with seasonal highlights.
What began in 2011 as a small venture between two sisters has evolved into a dedicated team of women, passionately designing timeless and versatile quality pieces in their Studio & Shop in the heart of Zurich.
if you are a local designer or startup yourself and would like to be listed here in the zurich tips of Côte d'Azurich about fashion, accessories and fashion stores zurich, apply now with a mouse click on "participate".